10. Britney Spears
Be it the ravages of time, substance abuse, or just plain-old bad genetics, not everyone ages well. Take Britney Spears for example, she was once the object of every hot blooded male’s desire, but somewhere along the way she developed an alcohol problem, had 2 kids, and legitimately lost her mind. Britney’s days of being the hottest girl to ever wrap a snake around her neck are long gone.
With that said, let’s take a look at other celebs who went from hot to not.
As a teenager, this once super hot “blonde” took over America and eventually the world. She had the all-American look but those eyes were telling us that she had a wild side. We just didn’t know just how wild. As the years went by wild turned to crazy, and crazy to insane. Britney started partying uncontrollably, drinking and doing drugs. Then she started to unravel while the world was watching. She shaved her head bald and sometimes even spoke with a British accent. Then she married Kevin Federline, had two kids and became the inspiration behind MTV’s Teen Mom. She played with snakes, walked around with a little dogs in designer pocketbooks, and showed the world her,um, kitten. People were predicting that the end was near for Britney. But it was far from over for America’s Pop Princess. She would show all her doubters that she still had it by showing us her “dance moves” at the MTV awards. Who can forget her live singing? The American people would eventually get tired of Britney and her antics and banish her to the graveyard for washed up pop stars, Las Vegas.
9. Lindsay Lohan
Linsday Lohan went from beautiful up-and-coming young actress to someone in and out of courtrooms, rehabs, and embarrassing incidents (such as multiple DUI’s). She has become a cautionary tale of how drugs, alcohol, and partying can derail a person’s life. She’s 28 years old and looks like a 49 year-old iguana wearing a blonde wig.She has gone from cute kid to, well, Lindsay. She’s been in and out of rehab, jail and one bad relationship after another. But it’s not completely Lindsay’s fault because she’s only doing what she learned at home. Dysfunction is a way of life for the Lohan family. Her mother Dina is an older version of Lindsay, drug addiction, DUI’s and all. So it’s not Lindsay’s fault. In a perfect world we would be able to pick our parents. Plus we must forgive Lindsay for the DUI’s and all the car crashes, because in all fairness Lindsay learned to drive in that loveable Volkswagen Beatle called Herbie. With Herbie at the wheel one can drink and do all the drugs one chooses to do and not worry about crashing or DUI’s. So it was Herbie’s fault for spoiling Lindsay.We still love you Lindsay. You know real love Lindsay, like how you love drugs, alcohol and flashing your boobs for anyone willing to pay you.
8. Bruce Jenner
Jenner went from being the all-american handsome athlete to something truly, truly bizarre. We know he’s on his way towards becoming a woman, but what an ugly woman he’s turning out to be.
Bruce Jenner holds multiple Olympic gold medals, has graced the Wheaties cereal box and is was an all around American icon. But lately all he’s accomplished is being able to completely freak us out. Okay Bruce we get it. We see the painted nails, the shaving of your Adam’s apple and the hair extensions. You want to be Jackie Onassis’ ugly little sister. listen whatever or whoever you want to be is your choice, but please save us the slow terrifying transformation on live television. Just show us the baby we can do care about the labor pains. What I’m about to say is sacrilegious to your family, but some things should remain private. We don’t want to see our chickens get slaughtered, we just want it on our dinner tables. It’s the mystery that makes magic special. In your later year, you have finally decided to emerge from your cocoon and be the butterfly, okay maybe a moth, that you were always meant to be. But don’t take the route Kim took, please leave something to the imagination.
Believe it or not, Mickey Rourke was once probably the best looking guy in Hollywood. Years of professional boxing, alcohol abuse and unnecessary plastic surgeries have left his face looking like a worn out baseball mitt that was left out in the sun for 10 years.
If anyone was in need of a face transplant it’s Mickey Rourke. The actor has been through it all and his face has kept record of it all. Once the star of Harley Davison and The Marlboro Man, Rourke decided that he wasn’t good looking enough so he chose to get facial reconstruction surgery done with a blow torch. His plastic surgeon needs his medical license revoked and should be arrested for assault and battery. We used to think that you were always angry but we realized that you were just ugly. If your agent really loved you and was really enterprising he would have you in every Lord of The Rings and Star Wars movie because they are always in need of characters that look exactly like you. To your agents credit he did get one thing right and had you play the part one of the oracles on the mountain in the movie 300. You tried to warn Leonitus but he refused to listen, and his arrogance got him and all his men slaughtered by the Persians. Your face is perfect for those kinds of roles. I was also thinking that if they ever remade the eighties cult classic Swamp Thing you’d be a shoe-in for the lead in that.
6. John Travolta
A heartthrob for most of his life, Travolta has slowly morphed into one of the weirdest people on the planet. It’s not clear if he’s taken a few trips down to his local plastic surgeon. Is that a chin toupee?
John Travolta’s acting career has spanned almost 5 decades. He’s been in numerous classics, from Grease to Pulp Fiction. So we can forgive bombs like Hairspray and your last four maybe five movies. John, we can call you John right? Anyway John you are suffering from being the last person to know that you’re no longer cool syndrome. Your facial hair is not bad ass it’s just creepy. Your plastic surgeon is trying to preserve your face but you have a neck like a turkey. A word of advice from someone who really cares about you, stop flirting with with every young Hollywood actress that you come in contact with. I’m guessing it’s just as uncomfortable for those going through it as it is for us to watch. You’re old enough to be a grandfather and in some cases a great grand father. We get it they’re hot but you’re starting to look like the guy in the beat up van that keeps circling the block when the local high school lets out. Not cool John, not cool at all. Plus your face is so loaded with Botox that it’s getting more difficult to read your facial expressions. Maybe you should just go away for awhile and give us a chance to miss you and remember how awesome you were in movies like Pulp Fiction.
5. Meg Ryan
She was once Hollywood’s it-girl, and the go-to female lead for any big romantic comedy. She was also a very beautiful woman. Given the pressures that most actresses face not to age, Meg Ryan underwent a series of plastic surgeries that left her looking like a rubber duck. Her doctors have done her a disservice.
The actress used to have us glued to our television screens in her younger days. Now she looks like Steven Tyler’s twin sister. Can someone please explain to us what’s up with those Frankenstein shoes she’s been wearing lately? We love you Meg even if father time hates your guts. You know you have a problem when you have to get plastic surgery to fix your original plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is supposed to make you look younger not add sixty years to your face. Now you just look like the old lady who lives alone with her twelve cats. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Please tell the paparazzi to stop taking pictures of you because the more we look at you the harder it’s becoming to keep our lunch down. We used to want to you so bad now we’ll pay any amount of money for you not to come out of the house. The moral of the story is that you can get plastic surgery for your face but not for your low self-esteem.
4. Kate Moss
She was once the most famous model in the world, but Kate’s constant struggles with drug abuse have clearly taken their toll on her looks.
She was once the face of the modeling world. She had everything any superficial woman and some men on Earth would want. She had millions, a rock star boyfriend and was living the glamorous life. Women wanted to be her guys wanted to……well you know what all guys want with pretty girls. More than anything else though you probably wanted to be her dealer. Because Kate’s drug habit was out of control. I’m talking the total the Gross Domestic Product of the Island Nation of Guam out of control. Who knew the inhalation (is that even a word) capabilities of someone’s nose could be so powerful. She drank hard and partied hard the only problem was that she was in the spotlight so when fell she fell hard. She was caught using the bathroom for other purposes than bowel movements and securing cheap perfumes and colognes. Kate you’re still hot in a street walker kind of way.
3. Carrie Fisher
Princess Leia literally looks like Jabba the Hut these days.
Carrie Fisher is famous for playing Princess Leia in Star Wars. Come to think of it I don’t remember her being in any other movies. But I digress. I guess the atmosphere in outer space is not so good for ones complexion or weight. Because when you returned to earth gravity destroyed your body and our sun destroyed your face. I thought Yoda was supposed to watch over you and your brother Luke? That little green midget, sorry little person, should have warned you about the effects of interstellar travel on the human body. Am I the only one who was wondering how come you were the only woman in our distant future in a galaxy far far away? Again I digress. Then again maybe it was the stress of being the only woman surrounded by all those male aliens that killed you looks. Well at least you’re not a gun wielding manic like your sister Amy Fisher…….wait that’s not you’re sister. Forgive me. Anyway I totally loved the way you set the gym on fire at the prom. You really showed those bullies that thought it would be funny to spill pig’s blood on you……sorry wrong Carrie. Who was I talking about? I lost my train of thought. Got to stop eating wild berries I find in the woods they’re completely ruining my linear thought process.
2. Joshua Saviano
Wonder Years actor, Joshua Saviano, went from sweet looking kid to the hideously androgynous Marilyn Manson.
Joshua Saviano grew up like most kids. Okay maybe he didn’t, because most kids didn’t get to play Fred Savage’s A.K.A Kevin Arnold’s side kick Paul Phifer on the Hit TV show The Wonder Years. Paul was the innocent and dorky kid that any mom would love their sons to hang out with when they were young. Not because kids like Paul never got into trouble, that too, but it was because your mom knew kids like Paul grew up to be Silicon Valley billionaires. Your ignorant ass just couldn’t see that far ahead into the future, but your mom could. But we forgive you Josh for becoming Marilyn Manson because it wasn’t your fault. You had to listen to some creepy guy’s voice narrate your best friend’s entire teenage life for 5 seasons. That would drive any sane red blooded American kid to remove his ribs in order to….., or grow a some boobs or dress up in a leather thong and gyrate like a young Madonna or an old Madonna on stage in front of thousands of people. Listen it’s not completely your fault, well some of it is. But that slut Winnie Cooper never gave you the time of day. What did she see in Kevin anyway? He was a total wimp. Come to think of it Marilyn, Josh or whatever it is you’re calling yourself these days you had it rough growing up, but at least you made something of yourself, which is more than I could say for Wayne.
1. Kirstie Alley
In the 80’s, Kristie Alley was one of the hottest women alive, these days, she’s uh…well… not so much. Maybe the “Church” of Scientology drains your attractiveness as well as your sanity.
and thats it..... as for Bruce Jenner, now Caitlyn Jenner... i guess shes beautiful again huh?.....
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